Agape Kids Club


Five days a week our Pemba center fills with children from our community who come for the Agape Kids Club in the Centro de Esperança de Communidade – the Hope Community Center. Each day our doors are open for anywhere from 250 to 500 kids, ranging from 3-14 years old. Any child in the surrounding community wishing to have a plate of rice and beans and hear the Good News is welcome. These two things may not seem like a big deal, but for them, they are huge!

Hope Families - Muaguide Village


Hope Families is a program that encourages families within our Iris churches to care for the orphans in their communities. In collaboration with the local churches, Stop for the One supports these families through assistance that provide quarterly food, school materials, hygiene supplies and more. This collaboration encourages not only the heart of stopping for the one, but also community building and local outreach.